Family Hippocampus Club

The family Hippocampus Club is a regular forum for members of business families to exchange and to normalize their experience in a psychological safe environment for peer-development and peer-to-peer networking.

Why join Family Hippocampus Club [FHC]?

  • Many family members cannot speak about their experiences outside the family which is counterproductive to mental health.
  • Family Hippocampus Club is for peer-development around the arts of living with and changing family dynamics.
  • As family members, we share first-hand experience and analysis from our research and from research our esteemed academic board produce.
  • Together we explore better ways to manage through the experiences and make the most of it.
  • We overcome traumas associated with dysfunctional family dynamics.
  • We empower each other to improve relationships with other family members across generations.
  • We become a change agents to improve family dynamics.

Who can join?

  • Members of enterprise families G>2.

  • All generations are welcome because education is a 2-way street.

  • Utmost commitment to Chatham House rules.

  • Strictly no solicitation of business transactions!

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